Man gets 50 years in fatal Metairie shooting of friend

Glenn "Pluck" Rogers, was sentenced to a total of 50 years in prison after pleading guilty Wednesday (Aug. 16) to the shooting death of his friend at a Metairie apartment.

Rogers, 30, of Houston, pleaded guilty to manslaughter and aggravated assault with a firearm before Judge Henry Sullivan Jr. of the 24th Judicial District Court, Jefferson Parish court records said.

Rogers had been charged with second-degree murder, accused of gunning down Irvin Lavour Robinson, 31, at Robinson's apartment in the 3100 block of Houma Boulevard on Oct. 23, 2016.

Witnesses told Jefferson Parish Sheriff's Office investigators Rogers, Robinson and other friends had been out together that night following a football game and gathering, according to court records. But Rogers began arguing with Robinson after the latter tried to calm him when he became intoxicated and belligerent. 

Rogers was still hostile with Robinson when the friends returned to the Houma Boulevard apartment around 4:45 a.m. and argued again when Robinson tried to stop him from driving to Baton Rouge while under the influence, court records said. A witness told investigators Rogers pulled out a pistol and shot Robinson during the confrontation. 

Deputies dispatched to the apartment arrived to find Robinson lying on his living room floor with three gunshot wounds to his back.

Robinson was transported to a local hospital but died of his injuries. Investigators quickly identified Rogers as a suspect in the case and extradited him from Houston about two weeks later.

Rogers was scheduled to head to trial this week when he agreed to plead guilty to the lesser charge. In a factual basis submitted as part of Rogers' plea agreement, he admitted threatening Robinson with a gun shortly before fatally shooting him, court records said.

A relative and Robinson's fiancee made victim impact statements before Sullivan sentenced Rogers to 40 years in prison on the manslaughter charge, according to the court record. He also sentenced Rogers to 10 years for the aggravated assault, to be served consecutively to the manslaughter sentence, court records said.


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