Spiders Cause Concern at Timber Ridge Apartments


Thom Baker told city leaders that his daughter has killed dozens of the poisonous spiders at her Timber Ridge apartment.

An alleged infestation of brown recluse spiders has a concerned father looking for help from the Columbia City Council.

Thom Baker told city leaders that his daughter has killed dozens of the poisonous spiders at her Timber Ridge apartment.

The story began last month when Thom Bakerâ??s daughter Taylor found brown recluse spiders inside her Timber Ridge apartment. The Bakers said they have been feuding with apartment managers ever since.

Timber Ridge apartment managers wonâ??t cancel Taylor Bakerâ??s lease because they say spiders are not a problem at their Southside Columbia complex. Thom Baker said thereâ??s a huge brown recluse spider problem. Baker said heâ??s been threatened, punched and accused of trespassing by members of Garry Lewis Properties, the owners of Timber Ridge apartments.

Baker said, â??I walked up to her and she punched me. She hit me. I did file a complaint report about it.â??

KRCG 13 tried to speak to representatives of Garry Lewis properties, but they locked the door and hid from sight. Thom Baker owns a video company and produced a 5-minute documentary on his spider problems. City council members watched the video that promotes new city laws for better pest control at apartment complexes. Taylor Baker moved back to her fatherâ??s house because she fears spiders could harm her at her apartment.

Taylor baker said, â??They said they had the problem for 13 years and no one has ever been bit. I donâ??t want to be the first person to ever get bit or anything.â??

Thom Baker said he didnâ??t make a special video and testify before the city council just to get his daughter out of a lease. He said itâ??s about helping all Columbia apartment tenants get fair treatment from their landlords.

Baker said Garry Lewis Properties sprayed insecticide at his daughterâ??s apartment for spiders without success.


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